From sales incentives to inspirational experiences, glittering award dinners and content driven conferences; we can never dismiss the powerful impact of live events. Whilst there have been many debates in recent years about the role of technology in our daily lives, one thing has become very clear. Technology gives us options.
You may not be able to whisk your people away to an inspirational destination, but you can still reward them. You may not be able to host a glittering awards dinner, but you can still recognise them. And you may not be able to host a content driven conference in a traditional venue, but you can still host a content driven conference in an online venue.
The aim is the same; engage your people, provide a memorable experience whilst clearly delivering your messages. The approach and the experience may be a little different, but the impact can remain.
SIX things to consider when organising a Virtual Event
- What is the purpose of your event?
What do you want your event to achieve? Do you have key messages you want to share effectively? Are there key learnings you want your people to make? Do you want to open up a discussion and collaboration on future strategies?
- Who is your audience? Size matters!
Do you want to engage with 10s, 100s, 1,000s or 10,000s of your people? What do you want them to experience? Additionally communication and guest management is key when you need to engage audiences from afar. Have your delegates register for the event as they would any other. Keep communications constant, creative and informative. This may be a first-time experience for many, so knowledge is comfort and creativity helps in reinforcing key messaging both prior and post event.
- How do you want to reach them?
Do you want to pre-record content or run a live show? How many presenters will you have? What about a host? Panel discussions are also an option. What media can you use to share your messages? Breakout sessions can even be arranged.
- Who can help you to make this happen?
To make this happen who needs to be involved in your team? Alongside your traditional events team, look to include your IT team to ensure smooth integration with your systems, or to help explore alternatives.
- What tools can be used to keep an audience engaged?
Just as with live events, polls can be run during presentations, live comment sections can be added, gamification can even be brought in to play (excuse the pun). Using key behavioural economic strategies to ensure attention and engagement on key messaging.
- Taking the virtual experience to experiential
Add interactive backgrounds and motion graphics. Create a virtual hub for your people to congregate in during “check-in” and “coffee breaks”. Include live stream performances of DJs or bands. Think about pre or post-event rewards to send to winners. Personalise individual greetings and agendas where multiple work streams are taking place. Launch products with the option to purchase.
Is a virtual event for me?
Like any other event, a virtual event can be as simple or spectacular as you like. A virtual event works best for when you are unable to have your audience in one place, or when a live event is simply not possible.
Unsure if it is right for you? Talk to us and our team can help guide you to the solution that is right for you.